This site contains some translations from my page "Interkulturelle Musikerziehung". It also contains some special information on the German situation. I want to give English speaking people the possibility to learn a little bit about the German situation and discussion.
The German site "Interkulturelle Musikerziehung" is very popular within Germany and some foreign companies have asked me,
to link the site to foreign "page finders". I denied this, because I thought that an extra English
site with other accents as the German one would be better. Here it is!
Please notice the following German specialities: In Germany all kinds of concepts ("intercultural", "multicultural", "transcultural", "global", "anti-racist" etc.) are called "Interkulturelle Musikerziehung", i.e. "intercultural music education". But outside Germany most of these concepts are called "multicultural". In the page "Situation today" I sketch the typical German problem with the term "multicultural". As the German chancelor Angela Merkel said 2010 "multiculturalism is completely out" (in German: "Multikulti ist mausetot"), and this means that the German government does not want multiculturality but "integration". Nevertheless, I propose multiculturality in the music classroom!
From the German site You can have a look at: